Farmer Produce,
No MiddlemenSafe & Traceable Fresh Veg and Fruit Produce
50% to 70% Price Less than Retail Price
Safe & Traceable Fresh Veg and Fruit Produce
50% to 70% Price Less than Retail Price
Tomato, Onion, Potato, Carrot, Chili, Capsicum Min of 100 Kilo.
Cut Vegetables
Crop Bank
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We support the UN SDG's. For a big positive impact in rural growing.Our Contribution to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
We support the UN SDG's. For a big positive impact in rural growing.
As we are guided by the principles of sustainable and long term partnerships in all the possible ways to have positive impact in the Agri supply chain, we commit out selves to contribute to the UN SDG’s by promoting the partnerships, implementing the best package of practices through the perishable supply chain, supporting the key stakeholders on their health and safety from farm to consumption, supporting the social cause in improving the earnings and livelihoods of the SM growers.
Our efforts is to have positive impact on the UN proposed SDG’s -
Sustainable and
Safe food.
How it works.